The Top Motivations for Plastic Surgery
With almost 18 million people in the country annually going through plastic surgery, this popularity increases with every passing year. While many people want to reach their beauty goals by changing their body features, plastic surgery improves the overall body function. The concept of plastic surgery is far beyond facial alterations. Some of the common plastic surgeries, and reasons for these procedures can be personal and medical. Breast augmentation The surgical procedure of increasing the size or altering the shape of breasts is termed as breast augmentation. This enormously popular plastic is surgery common amongst American women. Breast augmentation is different from breast reduction or breast lifts. This surgery is done for a lot of reasons. The recovery time for most patients is one or two weeks. Blepharoplasty Many people appear older than their actual age because of too much skin or saggy skin on their eyelids. While people usually opt for this surgery for cosmetic reasons, but many it is the ultimate option to treat their impaired vision. Puffiness, wrinkles, and fat under-eye bags are removed to give a clear vision and youthful appearance during the procedure. For most of the patients, 10 to 15 days is the recovery time.
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